In the Earth’s atmosphere, the mesosphere is the layer between the stratosphere, where the airplanes travel, and the thermosphere, where the spaceships fly. It is thus the strata that is the least impacted by human activity, and one which we like to think of as carrying hope. Taking this layer of the Earth’s atmosphere as a metaphorical point of departure, the magazine Mezosfera—with a fictitious “pan-Eastern European spelling”—sets out to look at, connect, and engage initiatives that can be conceived as working in the middle ground, in the mezosfera layer of our contemporary art and cultural world, in-between grassroots and institutionalized practices.
The second thematic issues of Mezosfera takes on the interpretive exercise of delineating what the notion of mezosfera comprises. Taking the mesosphere layer of the Earth’s atmosphere as a metaphorical point of departure, the magazine Mezosfera—with a fictitious “pan-Eastern European spelling”—sets out to look at, connect, and engage initiatives from various environments that can be conceived, among others, as working in the middle ground, in the mezosfera layer of our contemporary art and cultural world, in-between grassroots and institutionalized practices. As a horizontal, non-hierarchal network of initiatives that is more attentive to density than to growth, the mezosfera is also put forth as a discursive space to envision cultural and social practices that are capable of raising and amplifying issues that remain outside of the scope of traditional art institutions. The invited contributors, mostly from a Central-Eastern European context, foreground various strategies and instances of locally- and politically-embedded work, often in rapidly shifting environments. The texts investigate the notions of “independence,” “unlearning,” “unacademia,”, “walking theory,” and resistance, also through their manifestations in practice.