“Issue” is a thematic column, appearing four times a year, which is compiled each time by a guest editor. Our guest editors are invited to collaborate with authors from different countries, regions, and backgrounds to discuss issues that are relevant and urgent within the cultural field of Eastern Europe.


This thematic Mezosfera issue examines the shifting paradigms of regional art history writing, globally. Which Past the Present Stands On? studies how, for what reasons, and with what ramifications the histories of art are rewritten, again and again, along various concepts and from different perspectives […]

The Obscure Object of Desire

Is there any place for Eastern Europe on the Map of World Art or Global Art (History)? Dedicated to the memory of Romanian art historian Ada Hajdu a committed advocate of regional art history writing. Naming matters The name of the region that is located  […]

Parallel Nonsynchronism

Parallelism – Nonsynchronism – Generational experience Ernst Bloch, on the eve of the Nazi takeover, looking for its economic and societal driving force, came to the conclusion that the different social classes of his time had divergent relations to the present. In his book, published […]

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